Our cuisine using fresh ingredients with ‘the accent of south west France’, offers tastes to suit your mood and can be enjoyed in the dining room or on the terrace. Savour the flavours of our local produce.
- Category: Cuisine
- Hits: 4513
The daily menu and fresh buffet at mid-day varies according to the season.
- Category: Cuisine
- Hits: 4473
41, Rue albert caillau
82150 Montaigu de Quercy
T. 05 63 32 46 53
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Heures d'ouvertures :
Hôtel et Restaurant
Ouvert 7 jours /7
de 7h30 à 22h00
- Category: The restaurant le Midi
- Hits: 5486
Relaxed atmosphere with a comfortable modern feel. A gourmet break with food that follows the seasons. Simple tasty cuisine which we like to share...
- Category: The restaurant bar
- Hits: 4431